• Por aquí sigo :) distinta pero intacta. Feliz año Fu
    Cabo Upham
    Y por aquí sigue el tío...
    Y de vez en cuando... vuelvo y me asomo. Y resulta que estás... poco... pero estás. Y no te lo digo, pero me reconforta y añoro cosas.
    Toda mi vida fueron tus latidos
    Era yo, por cierto.
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  • Link to my facebook profile Unauthorised quotes from one of the best tminds in the 21st Century. Inspiration! Link to my *dead* deviant art profile.
    hosting to some interesting photos. Please encourage me to upload more! Food!, drink!, places! Another blog :)
    RSS feed to this blog. Programming is both my work and one of my passions. Access my lists, my favorite music and share yours in this amazing app. Youtube, should I say more?
    Urs shortening service and file hosting for the pixelatedrobots.com network
No. No games. He wanted her and didn't care who knew it. He definitely and absolutely wanted her, adored her, longed for her, wanted to do more things than there were names for with her.

He actually caught himself saying thinks like "Yippee" as he prances ridiculously round the house. Her eyes, her hair, her voice, everything ...

Douglas Adams
"So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish"

Éstas plabras no son mías, pero como si lo fueran.