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    Por aquí sigo :) distinta pero intacta. Feliz año Fu
    Cabo Upham
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    Y de vez en cuando... vuelvo y me asomo. Y resulta que estás... poco... pero estás. Y no te lo digo, pero me reconforta y añoro cosas.
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Ayer alguien en mi casa cerró la consola del apache asi que la web no cargaba, pero bueno, aquí estoy otra vez, espero que no haya sido grave.
Hoy es una fecha especial y he decidido torturaros con tal motivo, hoy es mi cumpleaños FELICITADME!, así que hoy como fecha especial os cuento un poco mi vida, se que no tenéis la culpa, pero independientemente de eso, con alguien tenia que descargar esas cosas que atormentan mi cabeza.
Que no, que es broma, no pienso dar el coñazo ni contar mi vida, porque entonces se convertiría en un web-log y no me gusta, por lo demás, a ver si termino el nuevo diseño y lo cuelgo, que llevo 2 días con el.
Aquí os pongo una cosa muy graciosa que me han enviado al mail y que refleja por entero la realidad:
Ciclo de vida de una mailing list:
Toda lista de correo parece experimentar el mismo ciclo:
El entusiasmo inicial:
Las personas se presentan, y se la pasan repitiendo qué maravilloso es encontrar almas gemelas.
El evangelismo:
Algunos empiezan a quejarse de ser pocos los que envían mensajes a la lista y empiezan a quemarse la cabeza pensando estrategias de reclutamiento.
El crecimiento:
De a poco más personas se unen, los temas de conversación son cada vez más largos e intrincados, comienzan a aparecer comentarios que no tienen que ver con nada.
La comunidad:
Montones de temas, algunos más importantes que otros; montañas de información e intercambio de consejos; los expertos ayudan a otros expertos así como también a los menos experimentados; se desarrollan amistades; empiezan a hacer bromas unos de otros; los recién llegados son bienvenidos con generosidad y paciencia; todo el mundo -el novato y el experto por igual- se encuentra a gusto haciendo preguntas, sugiriendo respuestas, y compartiendo opiniones. La incomodidad con la diversidad: El número de mensajes aumenta dramáticamente; no todo tema es fascinante para cada lector; las personas empiezan a quejarse de la relación temas/ruido. El usuario A amenaza con abandonar la lista si *otras* personas no limitan el debate al tema favorito de A; El usuario B está de acuerdo con A; C les pide a A y B que dejen de malgastar ancho de banda quejándose; todo el mundo se molesta.
La complacencia presumida y el estancamiento:
Los más antiguos en la lista se enojan con todo aquel que repite una 'vieja' pregunta o responde con humor un mensaje serio; los novatos son reprendidos; el tráfico desciende a algunos asuntos de menor importancia; todos los debates interesantes ocurren por correo electrónico privado y están limitados para algunos participantes.
La madurez:
Mucha gente empieza a abandonar la lista; los pocos que quedan envían un mensaje cada 2 o 3 semanas; la lista entra en un período de casi enmudecimiento; de a poco aparecen un par de nuevos usuarios, con nuevos mensajes; la lista vuelve a la etapa 2.

Más diseños :) (o diseño, aunque dos variantes) Dos diseños más de la serie "Technique"


URL: http://it.aut.alcala.es/malo/humor/textos/infor/NetHistory.txt

History Of The Net

First there was God. He was quite lonely so he created Dennis.

Dennis was unimpressed with God.

So,... God created Brian.

But, Brian got bored with God.

So Brian and Dennis started playing, and they created C. God saw C,
and saw that it was good. So he decided to let Brian and Dennis play
some more.

Then Brian and Dennis created Unix. God saw Unix, and he was jealous.
So he created Bill to torment Brian and Dennis and obscure their
creation (for God could not destroy Unix, for he secretly admired
its perfection).

So Bill created Microsoft. And Microsoft created Windows. And God saw
that it was bad, but it had market share, so he was happy. Then Bill
got cocky, and his ego got bigger than God's. So to knock Bill down a
couple of pegs, God put into effect, a wondrous plan.

First God created Tim. And Tim created the World Wide Web (using
Unix, of course). This was good, but not THAT good. So God created
Marc. Marc created Mosaic (using Unix, of course). Mosaic created a
huge feeding frenzy that has got a lot of people who are reading this
their jobs.

But that's a different story. Mosaic was good, and God saw it was
good, so he allowed Marc to start Netscape. Back to this later.

But all this time Brian and Dennis started to make something better
than Unix called Plan 9 (because God was successful in foiling Brian
and Dennis' previous seven plans [there was no Plan 8 because Brian
and Dennis pulled the wool over God's eyes and just jumped to Plan 9,
which was too bright a move for even God to figure out.] )

Eventually, God figured out how to create Larry.

No one knows how or why he created Larry, except perhaps to reduce
productivity at the Jet Propulsion Labs at NASA. [Rumors are that God
created Larry because he secretly liked what Dennis and Brian had done
with C, but didn't think C and Unix was enough -- this probably isn't
true because God believed he had destroyed Brian and Dennis' plans by
destroying Plans 1-7, and by creating Microsoft to slay their beloved

Anyhow, Larry created Perl (using Unix and C, of course), and God saw
it was good, so he made Randal. Larry and Randal wrote books about
Perl. And everyone saw that this was good, except snobs who were too
much into C, Windows, and Intel. (It so happens that Randal was so
cool he figured out a way to break into Unix at Intel, and Intel sued
him for it but that's another story also -- chances are Randal would
not have been able to break into *Plan 9* at Intel, but Intel isn't
cool enough to be running Plan 9)

Anyhow, back to Randal. So Randal and Larry wrote books, but they had
to be nice because of the people they worked for. So then came Tom.
But back to Tom later.

Anyhow, God saw Netscape (made using Unix and C, of course), and he
saw it was good, and that annoyed Bill quite a bit. And that made Him
very happy, and made Marc very rich. But Bill was very very rich. But
that's a *completely* different story.

But as good as Larry's creation, Perl, was, it couldn't do everything,
so God created Scott. Scott announced Java, and this was big news. Now
Java really pissed Bill off, because Bill also created Blackbird, and
Java killed Blackbird. This was bad because killing Blackbird also
meant killing the Microsoft Network. And many rejoiced over that, but
that, too is another story.

Now Java, obviously had done much to annoy Bill. For Java was so good
that Bill had to license Java. All this time, Scott poked lots of fun
at Bill because Sun, which was where Scott worked, made a better OS,
derived -- of course -- from Unix, which was better than Bill's and
Microsoft's Windows.

Anyhow, even God's creations Steve and Steve who created Apple
couldn't make Bill license the much superior MacOS. But finally, Bill
had to license Java. So justice was served, and Bill's ego was served
him on a platter for him to eat his words. Or something. That part is

So by this time Windows and Microsoft and Bill in general really
sucked. Especially considering the advantages that Brian and Dennis'
C and Unix, running Marc's Netscape and Mosaic over Tim's World Wide
Web, doing cool CGI stuff with Larry's Perl, which you learned from
Randal and Tom, and got to program with Scott's Java.

And God realized he had put Bill down too far. So then God made it so
that Marc's Netscape and Mosaic could run on Windows. We already know
that Bill had to license Java from Scott. We know that Bill missed
the boat for not beating Tim to the punch on the World Wide Web. The
last straw was for God to make it possible for Larry's Perl to run on
Bill's Windows.

So back to Tom. Tom was a Perl God. And God didn't like this, but
Tom's a God so there isn't much God could do, so He couldn't stop Tom
from saying things like "install an operating system on your poor
lonely computer the way God and Dennis intended", and "Espousing the
eponymous /cgi-bin/perl.exe?FMH.pl execution model is like reading a
suicide note -- three days too late."

The moral to the story? God is fickle. That's why Microsoft and Bill
and Windows exists. Do what God intended, install C, Unix,
Mosaic/Netscape, Java, and Perl on your system, and make Brian,
Dennis, Larry, Tim, Tom, Randal, Scott, and even Steve and Steve,
I'm sure, happy by doing so.

Oh yeah, Linus was cool too. He's the guy you thank for being able to
run all the cool stuff on your crappy little Pee Cee. (anything with
x86 on it, by default, is crappy, no PERSONAL flames intended)

Dos diseños para la web del clan de Counter-Strike de un amigo "Clan LOKO"

Pues hoy, otro diseño nuevo, espero que os guste :)


se como empezar algo que había acabado antes de empezar que no tenia
ganas de escribir y que por naturaleza no quería salir de su escondite,
y que hay que empujarlo de una cabeza que está llena de cosas y
saturada, que va a estallar y que quiere reventar pero que ha aguantado
de momento. A veces no me soporto.

Los dentistas tendrían que ser sacrificados de forma dolorosa y violenta, por torturas y crímenes contra la humanidad

Hoy vengo cargadito de cosas, unos cuantos dibujos míos:

RECOMENDACI&ÓN: Extremoduro - te juzgaran solo por tus errores (yo no)

Su herida golpead de vez en cuando;
no dejadla jamás que cicatrice.
que arroje sangre fresca su dolor
y eterno viva en su raíz el llanto.
Si se arranca a volar, gritadle a voces
su culpa:¡qué recuerde!
Si en su palabra crecen flores, nuevamente,
arrojad pellas de barro oscuro al rostro,
pisad su savia roja.
Talad. Talad, Que no descuelle el corazón
de música oprimida.
Si hay un hombre que tiene
el corazón de viento,
llenádselo de piedras
y hundidle la rodilla sobre el pecho.
(Pero hay que tajar noche
-tajos de luz- para salir al Alba
y acuchillar los muros de las heridas altas
y ametrallar las sombras con la vida
en las manos
sin paz,
Tengo más vidas que un gato,
me muero siempre y me mato,
un poco, cada vez que muere
cualquiera de mis hermanos:
La yerba, ratones, las tías, los gitanos,
los peces, los pájaros, los invertebrados,
las moscas, los niños, los perros, los gatos,
la gente, el ganado, los piojos, que mato,
los bichos, salvajes, los domesticados
y que pena si mueres de los pobres gusanos.
Tú arranca,
yo oigo gritar a las flores,
allá tú con tu conciencia,
yo soy cada día más malo,
estoy perdiendo la paciencia.
Tú arranca,
yo aprendo como aguilucho,
vuelo a un mundo imaginario
(No puedo seguir: escucho
los pasos del funcionario).