Ayer por fín volví a salir. Quedé pirmero con Celia, Jaime y Fernando, y nos fuimos cerca de casa de los tres a cenar a un Pizza Hut. Visita breve pero intensa.
Después con Calvin , Mary, Laura, Angel & etc...
Fuimos a un sitio llamado Cheyenne, en la Avenida de Brasil. No suelo (Calvin tampoco) salir por esos sitios. Y por ese en concreto menos. La musica no es mi estilo, el ambiente, la gente... y a Calvin le cobraron 5€ por una Pepsi.... por una Pepsi... puaj.
No obstante, y contra todo pronóstico, yo, al menos, me lo pasé muy bien. Estuvimos bailando, a pesar del DJ, toda la noche, como hacía muchisimo tiempo que no bailaba.
Hoy me acosté a las 6:30 de la mañanay y he amanecido a las 4:40 de la tarde.
Una de las muchas cosas buenas de no beber, es que no tienes resaca al día siguiente :D.
Acabo de terminar unas prácticas que tenía que entregar hoy y me voy a poner a ordenar mi habitación.
Como dice el dicho, mañana más y (puede que) mejor.
Mañana vuelta a la vida de clases y esas cosas. Ufff, que poca mentalización.
- Buscador
- Guestbook
Tu ets part de la gent que estimoCabo UphamLlámame y hablamos!![|FuRiA|]Por aquí sigo distinta pero intacta. Feliz año FuCabo UphamY por aquí sigue el tío...TrigueY de vez en cuando... vuelvo y me asomo. Y resulta que estás... poco... pero estás. Y no te lo digo, pero me reconforta y añoro cosas.shama
- Calendario
- Histórico
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- 2019
- J A O
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- M
- 2017
- F M
- 2015
- E M
- 2013
- E F M A O
- 2012
- M M J J S O N D
- 2011
- E O N D
- 2010
- F M A O N D
- 2009
- E F A M
- 2008
- E F A M J J A S O N D
- 2007
- E F M A M J J A S O N D
- 2006
- E F M A M J J A S O N D
- 2005
- E F M A M J J A S O N D
- 2004
- E F M A M J J A S O N D
- 2003
- E F M M J J A S O N D
- 2002
- E F A M J J A S O N D
- 2001
- J N D
Por destacar un trozo de un par de guiones de dos sketches que he visto hoy.
Si alguien no conoce todavía a éstos génios del humor, por favor, no tardeís más:
Second Writer Splunge.
Larry Did he say splunge?
First and Third Writers Yes.
Larry What does splunge mean?
First Superman See! How he uses a spanner to tighten that nut!
Cut to Bicycle Repair Man presenting the Superman with a glittering drop-handlebarred bike.
Superman Oh...Oh! Bicycle Repair Man! How can I ever repay you?
Bicycle Repair Man Oh, you don't need to guv, it's all right, it's all in a days work for... Bicycle Repair Man! (he shuffles away)
Supermen Our Hero! (shot of Bicycle Repair Man shuffling, speeded up, into sunset)
Commentator Yes! Whenever bicycles are broken, or menaced by International Communism, Bicycle Repair Man is ready!
Cut to commentator in garden with earphones on, and in front of microphone, which is on a garden table.
Commentator Ready to smash the communists, wipe them up, and shove them off the face of the earth...(his voice rises hysterically) Mash that dirty red scum, kick 'em in the teeth where it hurts. (commentator rises from his canvas chair, and flails about wildly, waving script, kicking over table, knocking down sunshade) Kill! Kill! Kill! The filthy bastard commies, I hate 'em! I hate 'em! Aaargh! Aaargh!
Wife (off-screen) Norman! Tea's ready.
He immediately looks frightened, and goes docile.
Commentator (calmly) Coming dear!
Si alguien no conoce todavía a éstos génios del humor, por favor, no tardeís más:
Second Writer Splunge.
Larry Did he say splunge?
First and Third Writers Yes.
Larry What does splunge mean?
Second Writer It means ... it's a great-idea-but-possibly-not-and-I'm-not-being-indecisive!
Larry Good. Right . .. (to third writer) What do you think?
Third Writer Er. Splunge?
Larry OK...
First Writer Yeah. Splunge for me too.
Larry Good. Right . .. (to third writer) What do you think?
Third Writer Er. Splunge?
Larry OK...
First Writer Yeah. Splunge for me too.
First Superman See! How he uses a spanner to tighten that nut!
Cut to Bicycle Repair Man presenting the Superman with a glittering drop-handlebarred bike.
Superman Oh...Oh! Bicycle Repair Man! How can I ever repay you?
Bicycle Repair Man Oh, you don't need to guv, it's all right, it's all in a days work for... Bicycle Repair Man! (he shuffles away)
Supermen Our Hero! (shot of Bicycle Repair Man shuffling, speeded up, into sunset)
Commentator Yes! Whenever bicycles are broken, or menaced by International Communism, Bicycle Repair Man is ready!
Cut to commentator in garden with earphones on, and in front of microphone, which is on a garden table.
Commentator Ready to smash the communists, wipe them up, and shove them off the face of the earth...(his voice rises hysterically) Mash that dirty red scum, kick 'em in the teeth where it hurts. (commentator rises from his canvas chair, and flails about wildly, waving script, kicking over table, knocking down sunshade) Kill! Kill! Kill! The filthy bastard commies, I hate 'em! I hate 'em! Aaargh! Aaargh!
Wife (off-screen) Norman! Tea's ready.
He immediately looks frightened, and goes docile.
Commentator (calmly) Coming dear!
Estoy compleamente de acuerdo con mantener las armas peligrosas lejos de las manos de losFrank Lloyd Wrightusuariosidiotas.
Empecemos con las máquinas de escribir.
Yo, que ya he conseguido darme cuenta de que la verdadera naturaleza de los "buenos propósitos" de año nuevo es, verdaderamente, el de no ser cumplidos, hace tiempo que no me propongo nada en ellos.